ESSEM COST Action ES1404: A European network for a harmonised monitoring of snow for the benefit of climate change scenarios, hydrology and numerical weather prediction

Short-Term Scientific Missions


Short-Term Scientific Missions aim at strengthening the existing COST Actions by allowing scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in another COST country to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique or to take measurements using instruments and/or methods not available in their own institution/laboratory. They are particularly intended for Early Stage Researchers.

>>Hosts looking for STSMs

>>Candidates looking for STSMs

List of STSMs in COST Action ES1404

DatesName FromToReport
19.10.2015 - 27.10.2015Ali Nadir ArslanFinlandBulgaria, Turkey
26.10.2015 - 30.10.2015Marion Leduc-LeballeurFranceItaly
02.11.2015 - 06.11.2015Miguel PotesPortugalFinland
29.11.2015 - 04.12.2015Anna SeresHungaryAndorra
13.12.2015 - 19.12.2015Dimitar NikolovBulgariaSlovakia
14.02.2016 - 20.02.2016Mustafa Cansaran ErtaşTurkeySwitzerland
14.02.2016 - 20.02.2016Suheyla Sena Akarca BıyıklıTurkeySwitzerland
14.02.2016 - 20.02.2016Tomasz WawrzyniakPolandSwitzerland
14.02.2016 - 21.02.2016Maciej MierneckiGermanySwitzerland
27.02.2016 - 05.03.2016Thomas WattsUKFinland
14.03.2016 - 18.03.2016Outi MeinanderFinlandIceland
14.03.2016 - 19.03.2016Maria GritsevichFinlandIceland
06.06.2016 - 17.06.2016Francesco Avanzi ItalySwitzerland
20.06.2016 - 25.06.2016Esteban Alonso GonzálezSpainFrance
15.08.2016 - 29.08.2016Georg HeinrichAustriaSwitzerland
22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016Miguel PotesPortugalFinland
01.10.2016 - 30.11.2016Pavel KrajčíSlovakiaAustria
17.01.2017 - 25.01.2017Leena LeppänenFinlandLuxembourg
22.01.2017 - 05.02.2017Bulut AkkolTurkeyNetherlands
08.02.2017 - 22.02.2017Cécile MénardUnited KingdomFinland
10.02.2017 - 19.02.2017Henning LöweSwitzerlandFinland
10.02.2017 - 19.02.2017Marie DumontFranceFinland
12.02.2017 - 18.02.2017Aleksander UszczykPolandFinland
12.02.2017 - 19.02.2017Silvan LeinssSwitzerlandFinland
12.06.2017 - 17.06.2017Pekka RantalaFinlandPortugal
14.07.2017 - 21.07.2017Marjan MarboutiFinlandGermany
03.02.2018 - 24.02.2018Katalin GillemotHungaryIceland
10.02.2018 - 17.02.2018Anna SeresHungaryFrance
10.02.2018 - 17.02.2018Henning LöweSwitzerlandFrance
25.03.2018 - 01.04.2018Dimitar NikolovBulgariaSwitzerland
02.07.2018 - 13.07.2018Cemal Melih TanisFinlandTurkey
30.07.2018 - 03.08.2018Cenk DönmezTurkeyFinland
05.08.2018 - 11.08.2018Gökçen UysalTurkeyNetherlands
05.08.2018 - 11.08.2018Aynur Şensoy ŞormanTurkeyNetherlands
05.08.2018 - 15.08.2018Antonio-Juan Collados-LaraSpainNetherlands
03.09.2018 - 19.10.2018Gaia PiazziItalyFinland
08.10.2018 - 27.10.2018Elena ShevninaFinlandPortugal
02.11.2018 - 08.11.2018Gökçen UysalTurkeyNetherlands
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Countries participated in STSMs
Countries participated in STSMs
COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020